Saturday, July 27, 2002

Okay, so not yet...
If you haven't figured it out, this is under construction. Gimme a little bit to get it up and running! You'll get an e-mail when it's ready.

It's Finally Here!!
Okay, you guys have nagged me enough! Finally, the debut of the (once) defunct e-mail newsletter, The Social Calendar. If you're new to The Social Calendar, it was a weekly mailing to about 200 socialites in and around the Detroit Metro area, detailing cool art openings, rockin' band listings, and anything else related to cool entertainment that I was sent, could find, or was allowed to leak out to the hip, social elite. Yeah, whatever...

In contrast the the weekly update you used to get in your mailbox each Thursday, you can access this site all week long and see updates as the week goes on, so check back regularly.

Feel free to continue to e-mail updates (and invites/doorlists/passes/etc.) as you have in the past! All the cool kids already know where that is...